Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bring Your Wellies: Rain Boots 2013 for Men & Women

The leaves are falling, the air is cooling and the rain is finally coming down in New England! Weirdly enough, I love rain (okay, maybe not so much when I'm freezing and don't have a raincoat or umbrella). Going on walks/runs when it's sprinkling out is so therapeutic! And the air after rainfall is so refreshing.  And what better way to step out into the showers than with a pair of rainboots? Here are my favorites for guys and gals.

Hands down, Hunter Boots are some of the best on the market! They last forever (seriously though!) and you can buy adorable inserts for an extra warm and cute look. These boots work equally well for snow as they do rain as the soles have great traction.

Stay dry!

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