Sunday, July 28, 2013

7 Cupcakes You Should Make Immediately

The cupcake trend is officially no longer a trend. Cupcake shops like Sprinkles, Georgetown Cupcake, Kara's and local shops prove that the cupcake is the perfect portion for any time. Here are my favorite cupcakes for every hour:

(these are especially great with shredded coconut mixed in- it makes them extra chewy!)

(Note: I've seen a lot of bacon and maple french toast cupcake recipes out there. They look amazing but between the french toast and the buttercream frosting/bacon preparation plus cooking I don't know if I'll ever have 3 hours I can devote to testing out one cupcake- they do sound great though! These maple bacon are a lot simpler!)

Lunch & Dinner
Savory cupcakes are great! I hadn't tried one until a couple of weeks ago and I am bummed I've missed out on so many cool creations at my local cupcake shop! They're great as appetizers or served alongside soup. My favorite savory cupcake is...

Note: I've made this 3 or 4 times and have found that the almond extract is a little too bitter and others have agreed- rather than using this, just replace it with more vanilla extract.

Happy baking!

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